Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1st Blog of the Challange!

Here it is like I said. The First!!

I would like to pose a question to you. How would you feel reading a fantasy story that is from the point of view of the enemy?

I'm reading The Godspeaker Trilogy right now and the first book was completely from the perspective of the enemy nation. This nation is a warrior nation that is harsh and brutal. The story starts with the very beginning of the main conflict. Starts with Hekat and her brutal accent to empress of Mijak and her drive to appease her evil god. In the process she produces and grooms her eldest son to be the weapon of her smiting force.

I really enjoy that it is different to learn, in depth, about the reasoning behind the brutality and attacks.

I wouldn't recommend this trilogy if you don't like to read about death and blood and gore. There is rape and murder as well. But it is truly a unique take on the traditional fantasy story.

I enjoy how it makes me think about what will happen. The characters are wonderfully developed and unpredictable at times. If you have a chance to read it, do it.

Well that's about it for my first official blog of the year.


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